Saturday, January 31, 2009

I just wasn't up to pictures today,

But that's no reason not to write, right?

I'm relaxing on the couch, but it's been a very productive day. I made the usual pancakes and then went to Salvation Army, Yokefellows (junk store) and the Habitat ReStore. Didn't get much but fun to look. Bought a book for Julia, and a pair of boots for her, 2 t-shirts for Peter since he's rapidly outgrowing everything, plus 2 used copies of "The Power and the Glory," which we're reading soon in British Lit.

Speaking of Peter, he's also just about grown INTO the suit that his daddy wore about 15 years ago. He is tall and thin. So, he's wearing it tonight! There is a winter formal dance for our high school, and lo and behold, Peter asked a friend from church to go with him! I think he is a bit on the young side, but it's a dance, not "dating." Adam is chaperoning them around to eat at a restaurant, and then to the dance, which is held at the home of one of our school families. Adam said the 2 are very quiet and shy. At that age, it's almost impossible to conquer nerves and make conversation!

I did some more yardwork - dug out that rose bush and removed lots of soil to make that bed smooth and level. Peter dug out 3 holly stumps and some nandina. Then we burned up lots of brush in our firepit while Adam kept his fire going in the oven too. He made pizza. Fairly often we tell him,"Wow! This is your best pizza yet!"

I'm sleepy. Poor Adam will have to stay up until the wee hours to pick them up from the dance. I don't think Peter will do this again soon! He had no experience and did not know how much "going to a dance" entailed! Still, I'm sure he'll have fun.

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