Saturday, April 20, 2024


 I smelt it yesterday in a viney hedge.

Today I see its blooms, white and yellow.

It pulls me into childhood, into memory.

So I pick a yellow one, squeeze its tip,

And pull gently, waiting for the drip.

Ah, honey dew! One perfect nectar!

When I was five, my brother

Whom I adored, showed me how

To harvest honeysuckle.

We spent a golden hour in the backyard

Sipping to our hearts' content.

I asked if we could fill a bucket

one drop at a time, and he said

technically, yes. Magic, I thought.

He lifted me on his shoulders and

I was taller than I'll ever be.

Neither of us learned the secret of the honeysuckle,

Neither gathered a bucket drop by drop.

I have lost that brother to the pain of life,

But today I tasted honey dew and remember him.

Bayboro, NC, 2024

copyright by the author

Sunday, April 7, 2024

Williamsburg in Spring

The Governor's Palace Gardens

The John Whythe House

The Shoemaker's Shop

A view from the 2nd floor of the Capitol, looking down the Duke of Glouchester Street

The Weaver's and Spinner's Shop

Bruton Parish Church

 Twice, Adam and I have bought annual passes to Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia. We may do it again in a few years because it's one of our favorite places to go. I never tire of touring a few of the homes or important buildings. Last time I spent lots of time in the museums. I always visit the weaver's shop and the herb gardens. This time I toured the Capitol (a favorite), the Whythe house, and the Raleigh Tavern. I tried to arrive in time for the Wednesday service at Bruton Parish Church, but missed it. We take Beau and Tricky with us, so Adam spends his time sitting outside (while I go inside), which suits him fine. He chats with people and talks about dogs. He enjoys going inside the Tailor's Shop, and we often visit the brickyard if they are putting together or taking apart their free-standing kiln. We stay overnight at Anvil Campground, which offers 3 small cabins for sleeping, for those without an R.V. It's less than 10 minutes' drive to Colonial Williamsburg.