Tuesday, November 1, 2011


I walked a bit this afternoon. Along the way, I picked up maple leaves. We're having a ladies dinner tonight, so they're gracing the table:
Paths wander around this neighborhood. The path to a dear friend's home is always happy and familiar.
Some paths are so beautiful, they invite you in.
This broad path goes past the home of friends who've moved away. I miss them.
I walked to a neighbor's home for prayer time today with the ladies. My mother's urn is empty now, but still elegant in its ivy robes.
Our neighbor has a Christmas cactus in glorious display! What an impressive color!

She has a great collection of (of all things) pencil sharpeners. They are adorable. This is only a part of the collection.
November 1st. The autumn sky is still vibrant blue, and many leaves still clutch stubbornly to their branches. They're holding out for more wind, I suppose.
The table for tonight:  My mother is a great cook, and our ladies dinners (the men all meet together at a local restaurant) is such fun! Sometimes it's just one friend, sometimes three or more.
And if you're wondering about the black gum tree, here's the latest.


Michelle DeRusha said...

What a beautiful walk through God's creation, MK. And that centerpiece is lovely -- I love maple leaves and all their variation!

Pom Pom said...

Your mom has the gift of hospitality! She could give lessons, couldn't she?
I looked Angela Thirkell up and her books are hard to find on Amazon. I'll try my library next.
What does Sandy do when there is a party in the house?