Friday, October 26, 2012

"Summertime, and the Livin' Is Easy!"

Do you know that soulful, mellow piece from Porgy and Bess?
"Fish are jumpin' ...."  Adam and I often sit here by the Oriental Marina, and look at the sailboats that come in. They drop anchor and put their noses into the breeze and hang out for a day or a month in this protected patch of water. Here, the fish do jump! Have you ever seen it? They're very entertaining! Some are little fish and barely clear the water, but some are good-sized mullets that leap into the air, clear the water by a foot or so, stay nearly vertical, and then land back in the drink with a slap!!  We sit here on a bench and wait to see if it'll be a good fish-jumpin' day. I speculate in myself about why a fish would jump out of water. Play? Escape? Curiosity? Instinct?
"... And the cotton is high."  We have a few cotton fields nearby. This one has been white-white for weeks, and ready for harvest. My Colorado friends have snow. We have this. Well, at least it doesn't melt!

A boll of cotton.
It's well past summertime here, actually. Hurricane Sandy is bearing down on the eastern seaboard and we'll get rain. I hope they get this cotton picked and covered before then. It'll have to be today.


magsmcc said...

Gosh, look at that! I do adore these windows into America, MK! Why does Colorado have snow and you have harvest? Is it mountains? Or just sheer distance?

M.K. said...

Yes, Mags -- Pom is at a much higher altitude in the Rockies in Colorado, and I'm down at sea level. But also, she's further north than I am by a good bit. Not sure how much. We hardly ever get snow here in Oriental. Have to wait and see about this year! :)

Pom Pom said...

Oh, I LOVE your water and your town, MK!
The grass has a white blanket and it's chilly today, but it will be back up in the 50's by the weekend. Colorado crazy weather!
I did buy a new green coat for our trip to rainy Canada. I think we'll need umbrellas there!

GretchenJoanna said...

I used to sing "Summertime" to the children as a lullaby -- love that song! If I travel to my childhood home at the right time of year I can stop along the road in California's Central Valley and glean a cotton boll with which to fascinate the little children.