Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Lured by the Sunset

(If you're in a hurry, scroll to the last photo, because that's how sunsets work.)
Two days ago I was still sweating from the summer. Ugh. When I hopped on my bicycle before 7:00 tonight, I was chilly. Go figure! I pedaled out to the harbor. The moon is nearly full.
I like this scrubby bush that thrives by the water; I have no idea what it is.
I noticed a fine sunset developing, but that huge concrete bridge -- rather U.G.L.Y -- is always offensively blocking a good photo, so I walked under the bridge and clambered up on one of its massive footings.
Smith Creek
As moments ticked by, the sky blossomed with more color.
The bridge looks almost pretty from this angle.
Some tall grasses against the wispy sky.
I love masts. They bring out the vagabond in me.
When I turned back east, the sky was pink over the shrimp boats.
Raccoon Creek at the breakwater
A few seconds later it was pinker yet. I stood on the dinghy dock chatting with some boaters who'd just driven over the bridge and gawked at the sky in both directions.
And looking west again ...
These photos do not do it justice. The flaming orange and pink were shocking. This is merely an impression.

Why do we live here? I often ask myself why God, after all the many trials and heartaches we endured, blessed us with Oriental. What kindness!
The beauty of this coastal village is a shadow to the loveliness of God's people we've met here and the beauty of their souls. No beauty surpasses an unaffected, unencumbered love for God and His Word.


GretchenJoanna said...

Those pink skies are thrilling!

Leslie said...

Lovely skies. You live in a beautiful place.

Angela said...

I would love to go on a bike ride with you and see all this:) So glad you are enjoying where you are.