Wednesday, September 11, 2013

The Next Scarf

I finished a silky smooth pale green ribbon scarf today, at last. I was tired of it. I've never before knitted a scarf that can drop a stitch (and run it like a pair of pantyhose) after it's been cast off and finished! And had beads put on the ends! What's up with that? Ugh!

Anywho, I'm on to the next scarf, thankfully. This yarn is easier to work with.
It's Italian. I bought it recently at Weaver's Web in New Bern. This is some of that ribbon yarn that they do not carry at all at our Michael's -- so disappointing! And in case you see a hand-knit scarf somewhere and marvel that it costs a pretty penny, you should know this skein costs $9.50, plus tax. It's 187 yards long, so I'm hoping it will make two scarves. But it might not. Thus, you can see how a simple scarf might cost $20 or more. The knitter is recouping her yarn cost and only paying herself $10 for her labor, which is pitiful. Some knitters are fast, but I'd be hard pressed to finish this in two hours. $5/hour? Knitting is hardly a money-making venture.

 It's a gorgeous yarn -- color and texture. I think it's lovely for autumn, and let's hope someone snatches it up quickly!


melissa said...

Ack. Labor get that.

Leslie said...

Beautiful colors and love the sparkle!