The trees are still green, as is the grass (kind of). The air is quite chilly today, but this week it will warm back up into the mid-70s again. We are still fully in Autumn Mode.
Adam, sadly, has been battling his nemesis -- plumbing:
He's redone the lines to the kitchen sink a number of times, and still there is a leak, and still the pressure is too low. Adam's strength in any project is a diagnostic one; he is a problem solver. It may take time, but he will get to the bottom of it! But his hands ache and his knees and hips hurt from crawling under the house. This is a kitchen we plan to rip out entirely in the spring, so I guess this is a start!
Last night was the Fifth Sunday Sing for the Oriental, NC churches.
We met at St. Thomas Episcopal Church this time, in their beautiful sanctuary. Episcopalians do know how to do Beautiful, quite well.
Each choir presented a little special music. Here are the Free Will Baptists.
In other creative pursuits, I'm still writing on my book a bit. I'm getting into the "thick" part, where the plot must be carefully managed, and each chapter, each conversation, each development, each setting, must be well presented. I'm also trying my hand at a little music writing ... well, arranging. There are a few hymns that, to me, would benefit from having an alternate tune and arrangement. Right now I'm doing "In the Bleak Midwinter." The weakness of the current tune is that it's in 4/4 time, and oh! does it plod! I'm setting it to 3/4 time, so it will have a slightly happier lilt. Even if the snow is deep and bleak in a hymn, I still don't think the singing of it should be depressing.
I'm also working on "This Is My Father's World." I want to start "A Mighty Fortress" (talk about clunky!) and "Beneath the Cross of Jesus," which I do love, including the tune, but it would be fun to find something newer. I'd like a new tune for "And Can It Be," but there are some very fine alternate meters listed in the back of the hymnal that would serve it perfectly well.
I'm still Christmas shopping. I think I have my children's gifts all "sorted out," as the British say. Now I must turn my attention to our parents. It's very difficult to shop for older people who've already amassed everything they really need. But I will try!
Lastly, here are some more photos of leaves that Adam is painting:

And ... I did show you the lovely little Royal Doulton child's cup, in the Bunnykins pattern, that I found at the Hospice Thrift Store, didn't I? I can't seem to find it on the blog, but Pom Pom and I chatted about it in email. Oh well -- here it is again, if you missed it before, which I clearly did!
Someday, when I have grandbabies, I want more of these.
It is perched atop my Shorter OED :)
Have a happy day, all!