Speaking of birthdays, a friend had one this week. At prayer shawl this morning we celebrated her, and I made a cake. Yes, I did. Miracles do still occur!
Lemon poppyseed
It was a large bundt cake with four eggs and a cup of sour cream. Delectable. Rather than a sugar glaze that purports to be lemon but is really just sugar and sits atop like a helmet, I wanted a tart lemon glaze that wicks down into the cake. The glaze was 1/2 squeezed lemon juice and 1/2 sugar, warmed just until dissolved and drizzled into the holes I poked in the top of the cake.
To offset this decadence, Adam and I had a salad last night.
We staved off snackiness with mac/cheese and fried okra, however.
Our lime tree is blooming after losing most of its leaves.
And an ornamental cherry (or plum??) is at its fabulous stage.The crocheted shawl is done and delivered. A second one is now underway.
Really, life is rather delightful right now because our church is such a happy place. They are a bunch of sweet people and there is no snarky conflict. We are so thankful. Adam's philosophy of church work has been quiet, steady perseverance. Waiting, which is what God usually asks us to do. I pray it continues. As far as my sorrows (which we all have) I am learning slowly to keep them wrapped tightly in prayer. It softens their painful, sharp edges and reminds me to trust them to the Lord, who designs and implements my future, where those sorrows will have their end.
Wherever you are, I hope spring has arrived and you're surrounded with bird song, blossoms against blue skies, and growing things.