Saturday, May 18, 2024

The Latest Happenings:

 Hi, all. I noticed that Henny Penny posted (twice!) and figured I should come say hello also. 

I've had a busy week. Traveled out of the state for a few days, and then played catch-up for a couple of days ... and then the week is over! I've missed my studio and the quiet creative hours there. The two dogs love to come in too, and sleep under the desk.

I'll post a few photos here, and if I have anything else to say, I'll do that too.

Adam and me:

A painting I did, using a friend's photo as inspiration:

I sewed some bunting for the first time ever! I will do more because it was fun and turned out quite well.
Today I noticed that our gardenia bush is starting to bloom.
Lucy. Sigh! She has not settled down quite yet.
Elderberry bloom heads, from over a week ago. Soon ... berries!
I made this skirt recently from scraps of Batik fabric that a friend gave me. It was a fun project, but I was lucky that it did fit when I was done.

That's all for now! I hope you're having a lovely weekend. We've had spotty, heavy rain today, really soaking the ground. We needed it. Probably the last of the cool weather also.


Granny Marigold said...

Lucy? When did she come into the picture? How do your dogs like having her around?
Pretty bunting. It would be fun to sew bunting for different seasons 💗.

Henny Penny said...

Oh my goodness, I was so glad to see a post from you and then got a laugh when I saw my name. Thank you. That's so funny. I have been really slack at posting. Sometimes I feel like everybody has got to be sick of seeing this place, same old things! Been meaning to tell you how much I like the picture of you in the apron, sidebar. Love the picture of you and your husband, and your living room looks very pretty. Reminds me of the living rooms in country homes like visiting my aunts. Your kitty looks sweet. Gosh, what a job making that skirt must have been. It's so pretty, and different. Need to get back to wearing skirts again. Didn't mean to write so much. Hope you will post again soon. :)