Monday, December 31, 2007

What the children are reading:

Julia (8 yrs) - A Wrinkle in Time, Madeleine L'Engle

Peter (13 yrs) - Reassess Your Chess
Artemis Fowl series
Valley of Secrets

Anna (15 yrs) - Agatha Christie & the occasional Jeanette Oke

Philip (17 yrs) - his computer screen. Sometimes a little Rex Stout.

Julia met us at the door a moment ago. "I have to go take my weirdo tests," she said.

She is developing a new language. "Ollustria!!" She greets friends and strangers alike. This means hello. She said it to people at church yesterday when we were given a moment in the service to shake hands and greet one another. She is a very imaginative child.


1 comment:

diber said...

Heehee. I'm with Philip. I read the computer screen. It's shameful how little paper I read. Really shameful.