Sunday, April 24, 2022

Where's That Brake Pedal?

 I'm not sure how the speedometer on Life creeps up from "nice and leisurely" to "uh oh, here comes a curve" to "careening over the edge." But it does. This week I intend to Slow It Down!

Last time I posted was about 3 weeks ago. Since then I've been to Chattanooga and back, visiting kids and grandbaby. We had a church Seder supper and Easter. Adam and I went to the Van Gogh Immersive Experience exhibit in Raleigh. The Saturday farmers market has ratcheted up a few notches too, and I'm making all the usual products for that.

Here I'm showing my grandbaby all the photos I have of him on my laptop in a folder just for his pictures. He was interested!

It snowed in the mountains as I drove back from Chattanooga, but at home ... cascading wisteria.

Easter lilies around the communion table mean Easter is coming!

Adam made matzo bread for the Seder. It was a wonderful experience, and we also ate a delicious pot-luck dinner together.

Here's the farmers market last week. It was much busier yesterday. Folks are eager to be out and having fun in Oriental.
My Lady Banks rose bush is not as full as most years; we had a late frost. But she's still a beauty.

This is a tapestry weave (my second one) that I finally finished. It had many problems and challenges, and I learned a lot from trying to correct them. On to the next tapestry weaving adventure, I say!
Leo is fun every day. The animals -- all three of them -- are pure entertainment in a quiet house.
This may look like innocence to you, but believe me, it's absolute WARFARE. Beau and Leo are competing for the coveted spot on the plaid blanket in front of the window. At this particular moment, Leo is winning. Beau is plotting his revenge. (Don't let his crossed paws fool you.)
The Van Gogh exhibit was fabulous. We did this as Adam's birthday gift, and it was so much fun. We drove 3 hours to north Raleigh, visited the leather store for him to buy some pig skin for book binding, ate lunch at Panera, and enjoyed the "Immersive Experience" of the very creative, very engaging Van Gogh experience. They do a good job of making you feel that you are inside his paintings, I think. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

But I'm worn out. And Adam's Pemphigus illness is flaring up, so he is pretty unhappy. He's been on spring break from his teaching job, but he goes back tomorrow. Then I plan to organize my days well, get things done in a calm way, breathe deeply, take daily naps, and slow Life down. Yeah, I know ... good luck with that!

Oh, and Rest In Peace, Roo Roo, best rooster ever. He gave his all to defend his hens from a predator. We'll miss him.


Granny Marigold said...

The Van Gogh exhibit sounds like fun and it's great that you could go and have a special day for Adam's birthday.Too bad about his illness flaring though. I hope he feels better soon.

Henny Penny said...

Glad you posted again. I love and enjoy your posts so much! So many things here I love...Wisteria! It is beautiful. I planted wisteria 30 years ago and it has never bloomed...never! I ordered it from Springhill. Surely it should have bloomed by now. :) And the Lady Banks Rose. My daughter Lynn had one at her old house so I know how beautiful they are. Your is beautiful too. Sorry to hear about Roo Roo. We get attached to all the critters on the farm, don't we? We saw something about the Van Gogh exhibit on the news. Had I known you and Adam were there, I would have looked for you on TV. :) Love the picture of you and the baby on the computer. Take care.

annie said...

So sorry Adam's illness has flared up. Hope the coming days will be better for him. Your grandson has grown. He's so cute. The art exhibit sounds terrific. Thankful your market has picked up.
I love your yellow rose. So sorry Rhoo lost the battle. I know coyotes are bad but I think dogs can be just as vicious sometimes.

Lisa Richards said...

It does look like a busy time, but lots of good things. I hope you can manage to slow down and relax a bit. Sorry for Adam,and praying that all will be improved soon. Poor Roo! He was a brave guy! Enjoy the good stuff!