Saturday, April 2, 2022

Looks Like Spring!

We're well into true spring now. Daffodils are faded, as is the forsythia. We've advanced into apple tree buds, fig leaves, tiny rose tips, and blue bells. The temperatures are still quite cool many days, like today, breezy and sunny. Perfect!

I've thought about blogging, but didn't entirely know what to say. Terrible news from Ukraine dominated my brain for many weeks, and now, like the rest of the world, while I still read about it daily my mind is becoming sadly accustomed to the idea of what's happening there. We are numb to their suffering in the same way that they become numb to the fear of the air sirens. A friend-of-a-friend in Kiev kind of jokes about how they opt to sleep in their beds because they're just tired of the bomb shelter.

Our ladies' Bible study group is now studying Elisabeth Elliot's compilation of her newsletter articles called Secure in the Everlasting Arms. Each section of the book focuses on an aspect of Elliot's wisdom, and we're now examining how we respond, how we pray, when we suffer -- or should I say, when God designs suffering for us. We all struggle with this whole idea. It's a good study.

I found some good books at the local thrift store. I finished another Pilcher book (Sleeping Tiger) very quickly, and am now in September, for which I abandoned the Cahill book halfway through. I'm admitting to myself that I now enjoy fluffy romances (well, NOT Danielle Steele) like Pilcher and Mary Stewart, and I mustn't feel bad about not reading Dickens and Austen much anymore. It's okay!

I'm painting cards. Here's my latest favorite.

There's something loose and whimsical about that ink-and-then-dabs-of-watercolor style that I find relaxing and appealing.

Adam taught me how to use the riding lawn mower! Yippee!! I mowed nearly the entire property this past week. A bit exhausting, but I like to help, and he simply doesn't have any time right now to do it. I feel so farmy when I'm mowing on it. I get so much grass in my hair, and I send the fire ants flying when I run over their hills!

I can't really think of any news from here for you. Life is much the same, for which we are grateful. I've always heard people say we should be thankful for our troops, that we sleep peacefully in our beds at night because of our troops. I know very few people in the military; my daddy was in Korea. Adam's dad was in Vietnam, but that was before my time. Now I understand a little, as I think of women just like me in Ukraine, how much they value their soldiers who stand between them and an enemy. How they sleep in their beds, or don't, depending on how far away their soldiers can keep that enemy away. I live in a home of peace, surrounded by a county and state and nation of peace -- layers of peace. What a privilege that is! Thank you, soldiers!

Leo doesn't know he has a blissful life. He's so chill.


Granny Marigold said...

Leo doesn't know he has a blissful life. That brought to mind the poem by Wendell Berry The Peace of Wild Things. I find myself reading it often when I need that peace.
I had a crazy mental image of you tearing around the yard on the riding mower with fire ants being blown in every direction.

Retired Knitter said...

I second you comments regarding layers of peace. We forget!

annie said...

I used to enjoy going around on a riding mower. My husband loves to do that. He'd ride all day if he could. We are hoping this year that the mowers don't break down. Last year that was all we knew so he got little time to ride :)
I enjoyed your recent video of your beach trip. It was so very peaceful and the ferry ride was an adventure. We hope at some point to get back to the Wilmington beach that used to be our favorite.
I enjoy short Amish fiction romances, sort of boring sometimes but I like the backgrounds and the talk of quilting & such. I never wanted to read Danielle Steel :)

Henny Penny said...

Congratulations on learning to drive the riding mower. I still haven't learned. I'm more comfortable cranking up the old push mower. Your pictures are so pretty. Spring really has come to NC. Sorry we have another chance of frost early Sunday morning. Our white azaleas are covered in blooms. The most ever! I want Leo! He is such a beautiful cat! I listened to the audio book, The Shell Seakers by Rosamunde Pilcher and pretty sure I listened to September too. That was way back when I drove to Raleigh to work every day! Really enjoyed them.

Lisa Richards said...

Elizabeth Elliot is always good and down-to-earth. I also find fluffy romances a good thing to read between heavier spiritual material. Of course, we must be discerning in choosing them, lol. I'm chuckling at the visual image of fire ants flying through the air as you plow through their anthills! Yes! Get those little weirdos! :) Enjoy your spring! I trust mine will be here soon. ;)