Monday, August 12, 2024

August, Thus Far

I knew Adam was feeling much better when he decided to make challah bread for church communion at the beginning of the month. We had a second service at a parishioner's home in the afternoon.

Leo is very noble cat. He is almost never naughty. I put that ratty purple collar on him to keep him humble, haha.

At long last I'm back to a little sewing. I don't make clothes; I leave that to Adam. But I found a Youtube tutorial to make these cute "project bags." This keeps you from putting all your yarn/sewing projects into WalMart bags.

They're lined, and have a nice, flat box-pleat bottom, so they sit well and don't dump your yarn ball on the floor for the cat to steal.

The one below I made with scraps that I sewed together first before making the bag.

 Every Sunday Adam puts a good quote in the bulletin from some ancient church father. I cut this one out and have kept it for a long time. It is quite convicting, i.e., a good self-diagnostic.  But it's also useful as our heads are full of the voices of the world: politicians, celebrities, media folk, total strangers. Do they disparage others? Exalt themselves? Make trouble? Something to consider.

Speaking of sewing, I'll go hunt up a picture of the dress that Adam made me last week.

It looks rather plain, hanging there. But it's perfect and I love it. I bought a blue dress recently, and told Adam how much I loved its simple drape and comfort. So he went and whipped up this dress for me! Amazing. It's a nice heavy linen, and he measured me and made it fit me like a glove. 
Now I want about five of them.
Adam fell on the back deck stairs last Wednesday, during the stormy/rainy weather. He did himself a real mischief and was in a good bit of pain. But we knew if we went to the E.R., we'd sit there for a full day before anybody would see him ... ugh. This does happen. And just to get there is a 30 minute drive, and simply getting him out of the house seemed impossible.
So, we waited, and he rested for several days, and it has slowly healed a good bit. We are such a pair of old people!


Granny Marigold said...

Poor Adam. Falling at any age is no fun but as we get older it can really do a number on our old-ish bodies. Waits here at the ER are the same. There are just not enough nurses and doctors in the Emerg.
I love the quote from St Isaac the Syrian. Sounds like it could have come straight from Proverbs.

Kim said...

Hi, M.K., I so love your YouTube channel. You have such a calming presence. We've both been blogging for a long time, but I've never gotten to know you until I ran across your channel.

I'm sorry your hubby hurt himself, and yes, the ER is almost worse than doing nothing. I'm glad he's healing. Rest can do miraculous things.

That quote is quite stinging and definitely a good thing to measure ourselves against. Thanks for sharing. And your kitty is cute. 🐱

Kezzie said...

That dress Adam made you is beautiful! He is so clever. I love your bags- they look really nice.
Sorry to hear Adam hurt himself. xx

Leigh said...

I saw your comments at Elaine's blog and realized I haven't visited yours in forever (but then, I'm not on my computer so much these days). The project bags are wonderful! So cute and truly handy.

So sorry to hear about Adam's fall. Don't you hate that! Glad to hear he's recovering and I hope he's patient enough to see it through!