Saturday, August 3, 2024

Heading Into August

We have an apple tree bearing in the old orchard that we didn't even know was alive! Well, well, well. I might have to make a cobbler or a pie or something. They're not ripe yet because they would not release easily from the tree.

I'm working again on this brown sweater, hoping to finish it for winter. I have to clean, card, spin, and ply the yarn before I can actually knit again. SIGH!

Lucy is now in training to be a loving kitty. Adam is working on her each evening, giving her gentle scritches on her cheeks. She's so pretty.

I finished knitting this little shoulder shawl with some Cheviot wool that I dyed with avocado skins/seeds, and with some alpaca fiber I spun about 6 years ago, also dyed with avocado.

The lady pictured above strolled by the market this morning. I got a kick out of her t-shirt. She's clearly a sailboat lady.

After the market today, it was SO hot, and we were so tired, Adam and I stopped for lunch at a little place along the highway called Chubby's. The first photo is his burger (with jalapenos) and mine (without). But mine had cole slaw and onion rings on it. Adam's had bacon and pulled pork as well.

 They were moist, delicious, and perfectly cooked to medium.

Happy August, sweating friends!


Granny Marigold said...

Avocado skins and seeds give a lovely colour to the wool that you knit into a shoulder shawl. Did you know what colour you'd get?
Your kitty looks so sweet and lovable.
Whenever I see those kind of burgers that are so tall I wonder how one bites into it. I imagine they were delicious. Keep hanging on and soon it will be Fall and cooler weather will finally happen.

Gretchen Joanna said...

I love the colors of both your sweater and shawl -- it seems like an accomplishment to do any knitting in summer weather ;-)

M.K. said...

GM -- Yes, I had dyed with avocado before several times. Such a fun color!