Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Neighborly Chickens

Before I left for West Virginia, I promised you some pics of our neighbors' chickens.  Well, finally -- here they are.
These ladies strolled over for a visit last week. I'm absolutely enamoured with them -- aren't they beautiful, fluffy and arrogant?  I love how chickens, when they run from you, scoot just beyond arm's length, keep themselves upright, and cast a disparaging eye back at you! Here they are, huddled beneath my sasanqua tree.
They were scratching and scraping and generally looking rather at home.  I wish.  I'd love to have chickens, and if I didn't fear that the raccoons would get them, I'd lure them INTO my yard just so I could watch them there, strutting their stuff.
This little lady didn't want to leave :)  Julia finally had to chase them back to the safety of their yard.  But they're welcome back anytime!  I love you, hennies! I love your beautiful eggs!
The sasanqua is blooming beautifully right now.

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