Thursday, July 19, 2007

What's buried in YOUR yard?

So, I have to write about our P.O. - our previous owner. The old guy who lived in this house before was a gardener, of sorts. He liked to root things, and put them in the ground. Besides plants, he also grew lots of metal, plastic and rocks. We know this because we are finding LOTS of it in the yard.

Metal bars and poles, sometimes upright, but sometimes a foot under. Metal cable. Saddest of all - in the big tree - there is metal wiring and electrical wiring running through the base of the tree - he must have put it in there years ago! How bizarre!

He put plastic into his ground at an amazing rate: plastic sheeting, plastic cords, plastic planter cartons, plastic grocery bags.... You name it - if it is plastic, he thought it looked good in dirt.

Rocks and bricks. Now, rocks are a natural thing in the dirt, but his are flat pavers, put into the ground vertically. Randomly. Go figure.

I hate to say this, but I'm just wondering how long it'll be before we dig into something...scarier? Are all his family members accounted for? I wonder.