Thursday, October 23, 2008

Drive-through supper

As you all know, this is a pretty brutal week for Adam. Today, he left straight from school at the bell, with his cross-country team, for their last meet in Winston. He got back from that, with Peter in tow, and was in the house a full 15 minutes before having to leave with Philip to take him to trumpet rehearsal in Hickory.

[For those of you without teenagers, this is life with teenagers. We claimed we would never dash about this way. We succeeded for quite awhile. However, unless you want to lock them in the house, or give them insurance, keys and a vehicle (can you say $$$$?), this is your option.]

So, in his 15 minutes of family time, Adam wolfed down breakfast food. This is as close to drive-through eating as we get. I did, however, get a photo, before I took my second bite of biscuit. Also featuring: fried eggs, grits, bacon and stewed apples:

And he'll get home tonight after I've gone to bed. Sigh.

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