Tuesday, February 20, 2018

What a Week!

1. We found out that our darling daughter Anna, who presently lives and teaches in Japan, has worsening symptoms from a congenital heart defect that we thought had lain quiet for years -- Pulmonary Stenosis. Many of her troubling health issues are related to it, and now she has a significantly enlarged heart (on the right side). She goes for an EKG tomorrow. She has wonderful healthcare in Japan, but returns to the U.S. in six weeks, where she has no job, no insurance, and (because it's the U.S.) therefore no healthcare. It's very worrying. She is attempting to remain cheerful and hopeful and focus on her wedding preparations.

2. Our dog Baby (a pit/rotty mix) had a run-in with some glass and required emergency surgery on Saturday. That took our whole day, and worried Adam to death; he is such a dog person. She is recovering, but because of the abuse she suffered in her former home she is scared and aggressive, and it was difficult to get her to go to the vet, difficult to treat her, and difficult to manage her recovery. She is still not eating, drinking, or pooping as she should. Plus ... even doggy surgery is very expensive, and that was a bit of a shock.
3. We had one parishioner in the hospital for a knee replacement who had a bad experience, and another elderly parishioner not doing well.
4. Our kitchen remains in a bit of limbo as we've had other things dominate our lives.
I made a matching window curtain of the same fabric.
Cabinet doors are off now.

5. Our world is in such chaos. I don't know why, but I think perhaps this latest (of so, so many) school shooting (not to mention the mass shootings like in Las Vegas) has sent many Americans over the edge. They are saying, "No more." Of course, there is much push back from the other direction, and much argument about what should be done. One thing bothers me like no other: We cannot have a knowledgeable conversation about guns in America because we do not have data about gun violence in America ... because the NRA literally prevents the data and research from being done. I didn't know this until recently. It reminds me of when the tobacco companies tried so hard to prevent our understanding about the connection between their products and cancer. Whenever money or political power is involved, you can be sure there will be deliberate denial of access to prevent any change to the status quo. If you want to read more about how the NRA does this, here are a few articles to help you:

New York Times - I found this article most helpful in assessing how the U.S. compares to other nations in the number of our guns and the number of mass shootings.

Friends, I apologize for bringing this up. It puts us at odds with some friends. But it's affected our week, our emotions, our conversations, so much here at our home. So many opinions are bantered around. I wish it weren't so. I wish life were all daffodils and spring grass. Speaking of which ...
Our Japanese magnolia began blooming this morning.

 Our camellia's buds are about to burst. Our lime tree survived the winter indoors and is blooming too.

Lime on the left, lemon on the right.
Lovely pink blossoms on this tree:

 And some of my herbs, which I only started in cells last week, are up!!! Here's some thyme:

My herb bed doesn't look like much, coming out of winter. But it already has: thyme, oregano, cilantro, and lemon balm. 

The forsythia, still recovering from vines, is looking springy too.

 It's a grand day for laundry and drying on the line.
 Baby says hello. She's enjoying a snooze outside in the 78 degree warmth with her daddy. You see where she mangled that collar in her distress. 
May Baby heal. May the grieving be comforted. May our children be safe in our schools. May Anna get good news from her doctor. May the world have a little peace! May you have peace and some spring where you are too.


Lisa Richards said...

So sorry to hear about Anna. She may qualify for some sort of Medical Assistance to help her somewhat. That's what I have. I know there's a stigma attached, but some of us just don't have money for health insurance. Beautiful flowers! Good to see things growing somewhere! :)

Unknown said...

Dear One, We certainly will be praying for our sweet Anna and her EKG! May everything be okay, and this might be just a wake up call to watch this. She looks so lovely, and is lovely inside and out! Please tell her we send our love. What a cute couple they make too! Lynn

magsmcc said...

Some of us from church are on a prayer ministry course, where we have to learn to rebuke things. There seems lots to rebuke here- courage x Cilantro is my new word- how do you pronounce it? Does it have a hard or soft "c"? Also, I must go out and look for magnolia buds. Pretty sure we'll be much behind you!

HappyK said...

Sorry to hear about your daughter Anna. I will be praying for her.

Granny Marigold said...

Isn't it amazing how life can change so drastically in a week. I am sorry to hear your distressing news. I hope and pray Anna will have a good result of the EKG. And poor Baby who had to have surgery. I hope she heals quickly.

Your Spring blooms are so pretty and I like to see laundry hanging on a clothesline. I'm afraid we're a few months away from that here. Take care (((hugs)))

Carol Blackburn said...

Morning M.K. So sorry to hear Anna is having such troubles with her heart and anticipating her return to the US without insurance. I do hope she is one who handles stress well as that can add to her troubles. Baby sure did a job on that collar! Your family is certainly having it's share of tribulation right at the moment and I pray it passes soon for you all. In the midst of it all you have all of those lovely buds popping and bringing you joy at the sight of them and the arrival of Spring and new beginnings. Keeping your family in prayer and sending much love.

Dogwood Lane Rambles said...

Dear M.K., nothing worse than having our child be ill and miles away. I know how very distressing it is and how worried you must be about her future care. How I wish this was not the case for all of us in our country. I feel the deep wound that that gun violence has created and now I worry constantly as all three of my children are public school teachers as well as my beloved grandchildren who must attend school every day under threat. It seems our legislators are deaf to our pleas for reasonable, common sense laws.

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

So sorry to hear this news about Anna. I pray that all things will work out for her.

Her fiance lost his 'hair'. They sure are a cute couple.

You have had so much come at you. Just keep your focus on Jesus. May His love and peace flow through and surround you at this time, more so than usual.

He gave you lovely blooms to enjoy. Flowers are such a healing gift from Him.

Love, hugs and prayers for all of you ~ FlowerLady

Henny Penny said...

I am so sorry to hear about your sweet Anna. I hope, and pray, that she will be fine. So much happening at once. It is sure easy to feel down with all that's going on, in fact, I was just saying that to my sister on the phone a few minutes ago. Your flowers sure are getting pretty. It's like spring! Hope Baby gets well soon. Please take care.

Gumbo Lily said...

I'm hoping things work out ok for Anna. Life sure does have its challenges, doesn't it? May the Lord be your strength and your song.