Tuesday, February 4, 2020


 Daffodils are blooming all over the county. It feels as if winter is "gone chicken," as they say, and spring is arriving.

 A large clump of daffodils bloom under our fig tree, the tree Adam has pruned way back over the years. This year, we hope, it will bear lots of figs ... and low enough that we can reach them all.

 The photo above shows my creeping fig plant that I put into the ground (nervously) a couple of years ago. It is spreading along the foundation just as I wanted it to. I think its so pretty.
And yes, I still have a pumpkin sitting on the porch from last autumn.
Adam has a new fun video -- a quick lunch option!  Only 15 minutes, beginning to end. Go look!


Sandi said...

So early! Is it early for daffodils?

That pumpkin still looks good! 😊

happyone said...

Nice to see the daffodils but won't be seeing any around here for months yet.

Granny Marigold said...

Your creeping fig seems to like where you planted it. I've read that all parts of it are poisonous to dogs. I hope none of your pups decides to munch on the leaves.

Henny Penny said...

It's amazing how the daffodils are blooming...here too! I pointed them out to Poppy this morning. Hope you are feeling better. The creeping fig is pretty. I need to look it up. Take care. Oh, your little animal paintings are so adorable!

Lisa Richards said...

Happy for you and your early spring! Maybe ours will do the same. It does seem like time is flying, so winter should fly by, too. Right?
Adam seems to be having fun with his videos. :)

GretchenJoanna said...

Do you know what variety of fig tree you have? I pruned mine shorter this year, too. It's a dwarf variety but still pretty big, and I could not reach all the fruit last fall.

magsmcc said...

PUMPKIN! It's too early for our outside daffodils still, though the snowdrops are here. I have a gorgeous bunch of daffodils and yellow tulips in the kitchen this week though - a friend brought them to lunch on Sunday. They are full of light and joy! (Like you x)

Leigh said...

You've got spring! Daffodils are always so cheerful. I hope you're feeling better.

magsmcc said...

ps the Tom Hanks of my book is indeed your Tom Hanks, the actor! He writes as well as he acts. Look for his interview with our Graham Norton: genius. Or look for his interview with children's TV presenters on CBBC!