Monday, September 2, 2024


 I returned on Friday evening from a trip to West Virginia to visit my mother and other family. It was a quick trip, with too much driving, but it was a good visit with everyone I saw. 

I drove to my brother's apple orchard, deep in the mountains and quite remote, for an overnight visit. It was wonderful! It is a quiet, beautiful place -- no internet, no cell reception. A real escape. Adam couldn't even follow me on Google Maps for that 24 hours!

I had a good, but brief, time with Mother, and an absolutely wonderful dinner out with 7 of us extended family at my favorite restaurant in Lewisburg. That was a great evening.

Now I'm back home, knitting a pair of socks, gathering marigold blooms for dyeing wool ... later. Watching the cats play. And oh-so thankful that it's September at last.


Gretchen Joanna said...

Those marigolds are beautiful in that setting in which you took their picture. I'll be interested to see the results of your dyeing with them.

And your photos of Home are enough to make even me nostalgic, who have never been to West Virginia!

Granny Marigold said...

Your Mom lives in such an absolutely beautiful area! It must have been lovely to visit her and also extended family. Now it's back to life at home. Happy September.

Pom Pom said...

Me, too! I love September! We bought flowers at two different nurseries today because we cleared up dead stuff and made a lot of bare areas. It's still hot but there's something about September. I'm glad you had fun in West Virginia and I pray your mama is well. xo

Kim said...

Hi M.K.! I saw your video of your brother's place. Lovely! Enjoying the stills you posted here. Cool sock pattern! Love all of your creative endeavors! It's fun making things! 🤗 Take care!