Friday, September 14, 2007


Rain. It has been so long since we had a good rain, it felt foreign to me. Sitting in class today, when the rain increased, and thundered in volume on the roof, the teenagers sighed and turned around to see it. I think it's been months since we had anything more than a 5-minute rain.

It could rain for a week and not be enough for me.

I have a cold, and I do not handle illness well. I become incapacitated.

Still, the old tests won't go away, and I must get them graded. I don't usually fall this far behind.

We're doing a Winterim at school this year - a tiny, intense set of classes between the 2 semesters. Each faculty member teaches only one class. I'll be teaching a creative writing class for 2 1/2 weeks. Doesn't that sound nice? I'm thinking about having the students come to the house, and we can all sit around the fireplace in January, read poetry and short stories, and write stuff. I'm hoping my reputation for being a hard-as-nails teacher scares off all but the 4 girls in the high school who REALLY love creative writing. Then...we 5 can sip hot cocoa and have a lovely time!

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