Monday, June 21, 2010

And it begins...

This morning I'm driving to the mountains to take 2 of the kids to camp. Thus begins the hectic part of the summer, which involves much driving, packing, unpacking, rearranging, passing off of children, etc. The summer probably won't really slow down again until sometime in mid-late July. By that time I'll be asking myself where the summer went!

Nothing much else to add. Church was especially good yesterday. I taught our ladies' Sunday school class. (We have 3 ladies who rotate the teaching.) A friend and I note how frequently the Lord orchestrates for our lesson to tie in perfectly with the sermon. Adam preached on the doctrine of election, particularly God's purpose in it -- to accomplish his own glory in it. The text was Romans 9. It is good to sit in a church where strong, biblical preaching is the norm.

I've had one afternoon in the pool thus far, in which I discovered that my raft/float has a large hole. So, the relaxation in the pool will have to wait until I return from the mountains. Happy summer days to all of you!

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