Friday, October 19, 2007

The Longest Week

On Wednesday, all the teachers I spoke with agreed that it felt like Friday. Then on Thursday, we came dragging into school as if we'd been asked to work on Saturday morning. You can only imagine how sluggish we were today! It seemed like the longest week!

However, today I had a nice mom tell me that she greatly appreciates what I've done for her teenage son in English; he's doing work this year he never dreamed he could do, last year. When she asked how the PSAT went for him this week, he told her the English part was easy, after my class. Those types of conversations make up for the ones in which parents berate you for all your hard work. Teaching is certainly a mixed bag.

Peter is at a classmate's birthday party this evening. Actually, I hear him coming is right now. He had a good time. It was just down the street, so he walked. Adam and I did our weekly grocery shopping too, but we agree we're about to give up on WalMart. Its cheaper prices don't quite compensate for the miserable experience. Higher percentages of ill-behaved children shop at WalMart. Self-checkouts generally malfunction at WalMart. My favorite brand of frozen peas is more likely to be sold out there. I am tempted to head to Food Lion.

Tomorrow Adam and Peter have the final cross-country meet of the season. Adam is eager to be done, so he can come home right after school each day. We're now half-way through the semester, and this year in the high school, that means half-way done with a full class. I'm a bit behind in my classes, because it's harder to shove that much material down their resistant throats, in a mere semester.

We finally got rain last night! It was lovely to awake to the pitter-patter of little drops this morning.

We have homecoming at our church on Sunday, with visiting missionaries and covered-dish supper. ARPs know how to eat!

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