Friday, December 28, 2007

Back from those mountains

We had a lovely two days in the mountains at my parents' house. Wednesday morning we woke to about 2 inches of snow - a surprise to all, and a joy to the children.

Adam and I went shopping for next year's Christmas lights - he bought 2000 lights for the eaves of the house. I went to my favorite resale store, which was having a 50% off sale. Fun, fun! Adam found a wool sweater, cardigan with pockets in front - an old-man sweater. I found some fun slip-on shoes (like I need another pair, but for $1.50, why not?), and a great set of bookends for 50 cents.

We had a relaxing visit with my sweet parents. The only downside was that I forgot the ONE ESSENTIAL THING - the sound machine. We got a sound machine several years ago to help
Adam with his tinnitus. After about 3 weeks, both of us were in total dependence; I couldn't sleep in the disturbing quiet of a a room without it, and Adam couldn't sleep with the noise in his head. So, for our 2 nights in the mountains, we had lousy sleeping. But the days were good!

Today I took down the tree and, with the help of 3 strong men, rearranged the furniture in the living room. This, in anticipation of 2 couches that we ordered today. We went to this fun store, looked at the Broyhill, noted the great sale prices, and picked out 2 sofas. The present blue sofas in the living room will descend into the den. I picked out RED sofas! Adam was pleasantly stunned that I didn't choose some variety of brown.

Still no photos. Sorry.

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