Sunday, December 30, 2007

a long vacation

This has felt like a long one. And we have 3 more full days off, before we go back to school. Very satisfactory.

Adam preached just this side of Winston this morning. He got wrong: the time of Sunday school, the time of the service, the name of the location, the exit #. Thankfully, the folks there were flexible, and all went well. Bless him, he is rather an absent-minded professor type occasionally.

It's raining. It's been raining quite a bit this past week. We need it badly.

My brother Mark, his wife Faith, and their 5 lovely children stopped by last night on their way to the mountains. We had a nice impromptu meal and the children played for a while. I like being a 'pit stop' on the way to the grandparents, because we get more company this way! It was a nice visit.

We've been watching some Nero Wolf DVDs lately from Netflix. I really like them. Adam is a big fan of Rex Stout, and has gotten Philip to read a bit of him too. Timothy Hutton does a good job as Archie, and he directs also.

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