Monday, January 9, 2012


Some interesting reads lately:

An Affectionate Poverty Solution -- I don't err on the side of being an indulgent parent, and I never rocked my kids to sleep, but this article was so refreshing and rang true to me. What a simple, wonderful way to break the cycle of poverty and dysfunction, if it could be accomplished!

You Never Marry the Right Person -- I'm not a huge Tim Keller fan, but I felt this was an excellent article, especially for Christians who are bemused by the difficulty of marriage -- whether how to achieve it, or how to succeed in it. "The primary challenge of marriage is learning how to love and care for the stranger to whom you find yourself married." Oh, if we only comprehended this!

Progressives and Ron Paul -- I can't overstate how eye-opening this article was for me, politically. If liberals/progressives really looked honestly at many things Obama has done, they'd never want to vote for him. And if they were honest about Paul's positions on many issues, they ought to support him. So many Americans just walk in lock-step with a party, and follow the party line blindly down the path. All that said, I'm not a Paul supporter, but I do have to appreciate how he has been willing to carve out for himself an unlikely middle ground between parties.

Living Consciously -- Andree Seu at World Magazine does it again -- she nails us right to the wall. What a prescription to relieve worry! She says, "Please consider that a lifetime of freedom may be well worth an hour of your time: Go into your room, shut the door, and confess that you have taken control of your life and forgotten that God is in control." This is a useful, convicting read.

Knit Your Own Dog -- You have to see these cuties to believe them. And the one, single free pattern in the whole bunch? A corgi! The pattern looks difficult, but I'm hoping to try it sometime.

1 comment:

Pom Pom said...

Knit your own dog . . . funny!
I DO think kids need a lot of attention and their parents must start by getting off the phone.