Friday, April 19, 2013

It's a Bloomin' World!

From a walk with the dog, and a bike ride, I present to you some of our bloomin' world in Oriental.
These azaleas are in our yard.
Today, they're in fuller bloom. This was a couple of days ago.

Over at the Woman's Club, one azalea bush is solid deep pink. Isn't it amazing?
The little sign in the flower bed says, "Welcome," so I felt they wouldn't mind if Sandy posed in their grass.
The dogwoods are bursting now too.
These tulips are so unusual!
I do admire Southern gardeners who don't mind the horrific heat and produce beds like this:
I do not have the stamina to garden in the South!
Here's a gorgeous white azalea, matched by the white home behind it.
On a bike ride, I spotted this funny tree. Actually, it's two trees, planted close together.
I seem to recall it's some sort of apple because last fall I picked up fruit from under it.
This is an empty lot. I think a home used to be there. A small split-rail fence lies in front, and a large Lady Banks rose bush drapes over it. Can you see it?
Here's the Lady Banks. I have a special place in my heart for this rose type because I had a huge one at our home in Statesville. I do miss it so.
This home has two magnificent specimens out front. I'm not sure what they are. We had one in Statesville that hung into our yard from our neighbors' yard. Big round blooms. I looked up its name once and have forgotten it.
In addition to azaleas, tulips, and dogwoods, the wisteria is out in all its glory. This area must be wisteria heaven. It climbs up poles and trees and covers it in bloom. Here's a small example.
And up close --
One neighbor lady has a lovely white wisteria, much more unusual.
Something about the shape and drape of wisteria has always deeply appealed to me. I think I wish my spirit were as relaxed, as restful, as the wisteria blooms.
I parked my bike by the Neuse. It's beauty doesn't appear for two weeks and then drop to the ground. It's always abloom.


Pom Pom said...

Oh, thank you for such a colorful dose of spring! Sandy is looking particularly lovely!

GretchenJoanna said...

My goodness, but "Spring is busting out all over!" Thank you for an intense blast of color. If I were able to smell all of those blossoms I'd have swooned.