Monday, August 13, 2007

The Grind

Adam and I are getting back to that grind today. We have 2 days in our classrooms to get everything in order, get copies made, etc., until in-service starts Wednesday. I have lots of reading to do. Next Monday, school starts for real!

Instead of being my usual workaholic, OC self, I decided not to read the final 4 novels on the summer reading list. I've read them all before at least twice. All I needed was to make one good essay question per novel - did I really need to reread each one, to do that? My dear husband helped me see the error of my ways. It freed up my August, and allowed me to do the much-more-necessary reading in my extra-large textbooks, so I'm better prepared for the actual school year. It's nice to be teachable at 44!

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