Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Right Now

Okay, so I'm sitting in an in-service meeting for the new school year. We're all listening to a representative from our school's insurance company, explaining all the fine nuances of the coverage, additional optional benefits, the insurance company's website highlights, copays, approved drugs. Yawn. I've already been to the doctor this morning, had minor surgery, went back home to check on the kids, and here I sit, listening to the company that's paying for that little surgery fun. I hope they pay. The doctor wants me to come back to see him next week, to get the stitches out. That'll cost me another $40, and would be my 3rd visit. I think I'll get Adam to snip those stitches out.

What a fun morning :)

1 comment:

funke said...

Ah, someone finally entering the working world fulltime, I will have to deal with lots of fun forms and questions and...yuk. Doctors aren't much fun to begin with, and adding paperwork to injury is just another straw for the poor camel...