Thursday, August 23, 2007

Random Life

Now that school has started, life has become random again. A little of this and a little of that - such miscellany is the stuff of life again. A thunderstorm. A last-minute essay. A new teacher. A visit to the pastor's house. A load of laundry. A new student. A quick supper. Another load of laundry. A milkshake with my husband. A choir rehearsal.

They all come shooting at me like obstacles in a computerized car race. I could add a few dozen more. I prefer life to be full of a few, longer, slower experiences. This must be what they mean by the rat-race.

However, we DID get a new teacher, and she will be taking about half of my seniors from me, which is a very good thing. Now I'll have a class of 13, lovely. She is jumping into a British Lit class for the first time, with almost no preparation for it. I feel for her.

Tomorrow, we'll be done with the first week of school. It's been a good one, but long and exhausting emotionally. The weekend will not be long enough!

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