Wednesday evening now, and this is how the polish is holding up. Chipping on the middle and ring fingers. Ah well.
Don't I have anything deeper to think about? Well, aside from Anglo-Saxon poetry, and the war at Troy, and the horrors of the 18th century slave trade (all topics we're studying in literature classes right now).... We're concerned about our pastor's wife who is battling cancer steadily now, her 4th round. I'm happy with our improved student culture in the high school, but Adam is frustrated by the lack of direction/leadership in the middle school. Philip is adapting to working after school every day. Anna is struggling with Spanish. She has trouble spelling English, for goodness sake! Peter is irritated because he has to be in middle school with 6th graders. One boy knocked over Peter's lunch today (soup). Julia misses her 2nd grade class. We're all adapting.
It's way past bedtime, folks. 'Night!
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