Sunday, August 26, 2007


I just have to write a note about church. I love our church. It's a little old-fashioned, a little hokey even, to some. We still use a hymn book, but we're certainly not high-brow. We're small. But this summer our pastor has been preaching on the miracles of Jesus. And not just that: each week he's explained to us a separate tenet of Reformed theology, in each miracle. It's been great. I've been in the PCA all my life, and I know the teachings of Reformed theology, but I've never been in a church where they are expounded forcefully, plainly, unapologetically from the pulpit, week after week. There's almost an assumption in many churches that people know these little points, and we don't need to talk about them. And if we did, we might offend the less-Reformed among us. None of that shyness here. It has been refreshing.

This week he did the calling of Nathaniel, and he preached on effectual calling, or irresistible grace.

Julia has been a little sick, with some fever, so Adam stayed home with her. That meant our pizza was ready for us when we got home, so we were well-fed again!

One of my last swims in the pool this afternoon.

And the back-to-school party at church tonight.

The fingernail polish is holding up well. I'm going to keep you all posted on how long it lasts before it begins to chip. I'll post pictures of its demise. I usually don't keep polish pretty for long on the old fingers. Now, the toes... usually that polish just grows itself off.

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