Sunday, December 23, 2018

December Twenty-third

We are on the road to our kids for Christmas.  It will be a long drive, and we'll arriver very late. But we have dog support:
 In order ... Beau, Trixie, Ned in a box

 Adam baked "Chelsie buns" (attempting prop British usage) for the trip.
 I am not a good passenger as I age. Interstates make me nervous... well, to be honest, quite scared. 
I'm currently reading this book.  The author is pretty nutty, I think.  But she has an easy writer's voice. She doesn't cuss and she's not crass. I'm past the age when I worry that her poor life choices or unusual spiritual ideas will change my thinking.
 I'm glad I can appreciate her as she is: different from me, but still I can look for pieces of truth or wisdom there, where I find them.

The day is dimming. 
Tomorrow is Christmas Eve. 
May you settle into the peace of Jesus's birth, the joy that God loves you so much he intervened into history to rescue us all. 


Granny Marigold said...

Oh how I understand your feelings about Freeway traffic. I don't remember being so scared when I was younger.
I read, and enjoyed, Eat, Pray, Love a while ago and have the "sequel" which is called Committed in my stack of books-to-read. Got it at the thrift store for a dollar.

Have a wonderful Christmas with family. Safe travels.

Elaine (Retired Knitter) said...

A very happy Christmas to you.

Victor S E Moubarak said...

Wishing you a blessed Christmas filled with Joy Hope and Peace.

God bless.

Kezzie said...

Merry Christmas dear friend!x