Tuesday, January 19, 2010

I failed to mention ...

That "Food, Inc." is available to those of you who have Netflix. It is one of their Play-in-now options, so you don't even have to wait for it to come in the mail.

About a year ago, Adam and I watched another "food" documentary (of sorts) called "Super-size Me." I'd say that it is definitely less scientific; one guy decides to see what happens when he eats NOTHING but McDonald's food for a month (I think it's a month; was it 6 months? Surely, SURELY, it was only a month!) Anyway, it's appalling to watch, and a bit shocking to see the health effects on this young man, in such a short time.


Moriah @ Please Pass the Salt said...

Okay, sure, it was gross. But NO ONE eats that way until they vomit and then continue eating. It was just so ridiculous. And no one I know eats that sheer quantity of fast food in that amount of time. It's supposed to get you by in a pinch.

M.K. said...

Yes, very true, M. It was a stupid thing for him to do. And I don't think most people assume they can eat only McDonald's. But, I know one teenage boy who is so picky he eats almost only Bojangles, and another whole family of 4 who NEVER eat at home (she does not cook) and their kids seem to be always sick. I think there are quite a few Americans out there who use fast food pretty often.