Monday, December 10, 2012

Oriental Christmas Decor

On the way to the post office the other day, I noticed how many decorations are bedecking the buildings of Oriental. So I dashed back for my camera and rode around town snapping pictures.
We have festive and spiritual banners along our streets - yay! (I mean honestly, why do non-believers want to still celebrate what is essentially a religious holiday, and then require all the believers to strip the religion right out of it? That is idiotic to me.)
Some of our Christmas pole decorations are pure "Oriental"! Can you see the sailboat lights in the middle?
Denton Pharmacy painted their big windows in the old-fashioned way. Love it!

Village Hardware had an elf on a bike with spinny wheels. Oriental proper is called "The Village" around here.
Outside of the Red Rickshaw Shop is a neat bronze statue of two children. Now they're donning Santa hats!
The Pigeon Hole, a lovely consignment shop, has an impressive railing.
Red bows are prevalent.
The Oriental Marina Hotel has placed a wreath in front of each door. Isn't that thoughtful?
This house wins my award for the most festive mailbox.
This is the prettiest house in town. I love this curved railing out front, with its deep green swag.
A neighbor who keeps this cement goose statue in the yard decks her out in different outfits. Very nice!

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