Friday, December 23, 2011

Christmas Blogasbord

Hello, friends! Time for a few nibbles from the internet. In spite of all the bites out there not worth eating, there are always a few things delectable and interesting.

"It's What You Scatter," from The Soap Bar blog. I loved this sweet story of goodwill, mercy and thankfulness.

"Secret Santas" -- You've probably already read about this, but there are dear, generous people across the nation who are quietly helping families this Christmas, and the store employees are in on the secret! Fun read.

"Back to the Farm" -- Now, here's a heart-warming thought for all of you who feel that in our century of progress we have lost a beautiful way of life. I know a young couple just like this, making a go of it here in North Carolina. Let's hear it for the small farm! Next, I want to get back to small, local stores and mom-and-pop groceries.

"Grinches in Santa Monica" -- Okay, it wouldn't be news, if there weren't one bad story in the lot. Atheists in this town, ironically named for a saint, try to ruin Christmas for everyone who might possibly want to celebrate it there.  There was a time when, even if you didn't agree with someone's religion, you treated it with respect. I'm sorry to see that modern men seem to have lost this ability. I wonder how long it'll be until they insist on changing the town's name?

"The New Empires" -- And here's a link to a new band's site. You can listen to their album there free, download, or buy. These folks are from my college, Covenant College, and the lead singer, Matt Brown, still works there. They've got a good sound; if you're in your 40s or 50s, and you miss the clear folk sound of your youth, this might appeal to you. Matt's voice reminds me a bit of the Fogelberg, Coburn, Jackson Brown type of voice. The instrumentals are very good, and the lyrics are excellent. I enjoyed just reading them. I listened to four of the songs. My only complaints are that they might want more vocal variety, instead of the lead singer each time. And whoever is playing guitar needs to get the squeak out of his play. It's okay for most guitar play, but on a professional album, there needs to be enough skill for the listener not to endure that. I know it can't disappear entirely unless you're really, really great. Still, I'd work to minimize it.  Good luck to these guys/girls. I thank you for what you're contributing to the musical world.

"Candle In the Forest" -- Saving the best for last!! I hope you read this far. This is a Christmas story of crystal-clear, childlike beauty. Carrolls All Year blog has given us a happy gift in this story. Enjoy!

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