Saturday, December 17, 2011

Lessons and Carols with Musicke Antiqua

Yesterday Mother and I enjoyed a concert at our local library. This little band of minstrels offer their baroque, and even ancient, music to the public free of charge. They're amateurs, but they sure are good! They are "Musicke Antiqua." Here's their website. Their costumes, their instruments, their talents and their banners were sheer pleasure, and what a way to help everyone get into the spirit of Christmas!
Before they began, I tried to get a few photos without being too intrusive.
This man is an acquaintance of ours, a retired pastor whose daughter went to college with me. In addition to that collection of recorders, he also plays the small bagpipes.
One lady played this elegant hammered dulcimer. She performed "Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring," with other instruments in the background.
Their little hats are so novel! In addition to the various recorders, many played something called a cornamuse. This is not the French bagpipe, which is a "cornemuse," but a large recorder with a double reed and a soft tone.
This lady played a small harp. I wanted to be sure to show you the instruments, which I found most interesting.
Here's a short example of the fun Renaissance music they played. I think this one is called "Gaudete," a 13th century piece arranged by Mark Burrows.

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