Wednesday, June 26, 2013

What Weather! (And this is ordinary ... not hurricane weather!)

We get some weather here on the coast. I rode my bike out to the river this evening, and found this:
We do get broad blue skies -- huge blue skies, in fact. But in a few minutes, it can turn.
I took this shot a few days ago at the harbor. Look at the light!
And the sweet love of a puppy ~
Last night. We left Oriental in fine weather, sunshine, blue skies, white clouds. About two miles down the road at the church, we found this:
I tell you, I thought we were looking at a funnel cloud, twisting its little leg onto land, just down the road. Thankfully, that didn't happen -- just intimidating overhead billows.

I'm not sure which I love more, wide blue skies with a few wispy whites, or a twisted, churning greyness that you feel will crush you. Both are stunning, aren't they?

1 comment:

Pom Pom said...

Beautiful photos, but you stay clear of those thunder clouds, MK! I don't want you out on your bike when lightning strikes! Oh, Sandy! She is the queen of all shelties.