Saturday, March 17, 2012

Friday Doings

Yesterday, as you know, was our shopping day, and Anna went with us. The blooming plants are spectacular right now. I wanted to stop and get pics of: Bradford pear, forsythia, weeping cherry. I only got one of the three.
 The pear trees are snow white now. In a few days, a big puff of wind will send the blooms sailing, and the bright green leaves will emerge. Ah, spring!
I wanted a shot of the sisters together. Can you read this body language? It says, "Anna will shove into Julia's space, and Julia will escape." They're so funny.

Must get a shot with Grandmother too! Three of my favorite ladies.

Pom Pom, this is FOR YOU!! When I saw this at our grocery store, I thought right away of you, and Toad-of-Toad-Hall. Bright, cheerful and spring :) Your grandbabies would love it!!

Thankfully, we hurried and beat the rain, and didn't get soaked with groceries in tow. Here's the sky as we drove back home:

Anna goes back to college soon. I think she had a restful week. Just when you get used to having them back, poof!! they're gone again.

1 comment:

Pom Pom said...

Ha ha ha! Thanks! How cute! My grandbabies WOULD love that! I have been dabbling in The Wind in the Willows. I have a new book (new to me) with Tasha Tudor illustrations. I'll blog about it soon. I also got a paperback copy (old and small) of Lark Rise to Candleford. I needed a lighter one because now I can carry it around.
How nice that your girls were together this week. Spring break is a happy time, isn't it?