Monday, January 10, 2011

Back to School?

We woke to this, this morning:
Beautiful.  And so soft, so quiet.  It falls and covers the whole world while you sleep, and you know nothing of it.
Will the rosemaries be covered again? I had to dig them out last time.
Adam is doggedly sitting on his patio, reading in the cold.  He prefers the outdoors. You can't see it well, but he has his little ipad standing on the table, and he's reading on the screen.  Today is one of his "job hunting" days.  Monday is secular job hunting.  Friday is church job hunting.  He dislikes Mondays. But he does it anyway.

Look at our wysteria vine on the patio -- it's bare now, but it retains the seed pods, and they hang like Christmas ornaments.  So, even though the calendar tells me I must take down my Christmas decorations, nature herself seems still to decorate in its simple way, and celebrate continuously the memory of our Savior's birth. Okay, call me silly.
The inside decorations are down and stored away.  The outside ones? Not yet.

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