Wednesday, January 19, 2011

A Westward Jaunt

Adam told me a few days ago that he wanted us to take a day trip, and today was the day! We decided to go westward, toward the mountains.
So, naturally, I had to fortify myself with a good breakfast beforehand.
We decided to avoid interstates as much as possible, and if you haven't traveled on secondary roads much lately, away from your normal stompin' grounds, it's a little challenging at times.  We were only really turned around, once.
When you drive by woods in North Carolina in the winter, you see lots of small beech trees with their metallic, brassy leaves clinging, when most other trees are bare.
The skies were huge today -- big, mounding clouds that later dispersed as the day warmed at last. We started with fog.
When we get far enough west to see mountains, my heart always leaps a little in me.  Must be the West Virginian in there. You just can't take the mountain out of a mountain girl, I suppose.
We passed this fabulous old mill.  It's rather rare to see the wheel still attached so well. Love the old building. The sluice that runs away from the mill goes to a reservoir behind the building.
I had to take a picture of this unusual house, sitting far away in a field. It's unfinished, and looks like it's sat that way for a while. But it's the round tower that really makes it a head-turner.
It was a beautiful day for a drive. Adam and I got to talk, eat lunch, and enjoy each other's company. We haven't had a day trip like this in a very long time!

1 comment:

GretchenJoanna said...

That outing sounds like just the ticket!