Sunday, September 23, 2012

Oriental Dinghy Race

My little dictionary defines a dinghy as "a small boat for recreation or racing, especially an open boat with a mast and sails." Saturday was the annual Oriental Dinghy Race. The creeks behind the big bridge were full of cute little boats, usually single-handed, trying to capture every breath of wind.
This was Adam's favorite boat. It's called a cat boat, because it has only one mast that is positioned at the very front of the boat, with a large sail extending to the back. Notice all the boats in the photo above have jib sails out front.
Several little sunfish darted along the water.
This was my favorite, I guess because of the sail. I like its shape, color, and angle.
And then, while the other elegant ballerina boats were dancing their racing dance for fun, along came this hulking athlete, collecting his crab pots for work. When he got alongside a pot and grabbed it, he would crank his wheel and set the boat in a tight circle, a gentle spin around that spot, while he emptied the crab(s) and stacked the pot with the others. That way, one man can do all the work on this boat, and he doesn't drive his boat into the shore while he's tending to his catch.
This scene typifies the peacefulness of the river.
Have a blessed Sunday, the first day of the week, worshiping God and thinking of Him, as we launch out into a new week.

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