Tuesday, September 13, 2011


This morning, Mother and I went to Circle. For those of you who haven't grown up in a Southern Presbyterian church, Circle is a monthly meeting of ladies from a church, for the purpose of fellowship, nibbles and a Bible lesson. Now we call them all manner of things, but I'm rather fond of the old term, "Circle."

Here's our hostess on the left, my mom holding the irresistible Yorkie named Trent, and dear Hunter who made scones for us.
Our hostess has a very lovely home, and is an artist. Here is her studio. She mainly does portraits, but her home is filled with many beautiful pieces of art. The light floods through this window. It is a peaceful, beautiful place.
The tools of her trade:
I love her plethora of brushes. Each one seems to plead, "Choose me!"
Colors ....
A chaise lounge would be useful for any artist needing a refreshing, inspirational nap. She drew the rooster too, with markers!
We had such a lovely time! I enjoy our church ladies.

1 comment:

Pom Pom said...

My mom calls her Bible study Circle, too. I like it.
You're getting to do lots of fun things with your mama.