Thursday, September 1, 2011

In Which We See Many Lovely Things

First lovely: Hunter's view of the mountains. Their lone pine is an inspiration.
Second lovely:Friends, new and old. Here are Julia, Chris, Mother, Hunter, Judy, Barbara. Good friends are more lovely than anything else.
Third lovely: China cups. They hold so many possibilities of delight.
Violets, ah violets. They are almost more beautiful than the food we put on them. Almost.
Fourth lovely: Hunter's special gossamer napkins. I hate to use them, but I'm messy so I must.
Fifth lovely: Tea food! This cheese -- oh my! It's a Spanish cheese called Manchego. (I hope I got that right. It's probably  Mexican cheese called something else, but I tried to remember!) It is delicate and smooth, perfection on a cracker.
Hunter's memorable Devonshire cream and jam.
My plate, before it was attacked. Those are Hunter's homemade scones. All so yummy.
Sixth lovely: An elegant cat. Her name is Sarah Jane. Or as we call her, The Prodigal.
Seventh lovely: Surprise visit from old friends! We returned from our time at Hunter and Howard's home, and who do we find in our living room? JD and Karen! They've been gone a long time, and it was fun to see them again.

1 comment:

Pom Pom said...

How fun! That looks like a delicious tea!
Cute kitty!