Thursday, June 28, 2012


They're lined up at the water fountain, so to speak. It's a hot, thirsty summer, and bees work mighty hard in the sun!

We all like the water -- I know I love it.

Adam's hives are doing well. You can see that he's added another box to the middle Warre hive. The queen there is doing great, and the bees are particularly good foragers. There will be lots of honey to pull from these hives in the fall.

This is the bird bath where they get their water. Our friend says some mornings the bath will be lined with little bees all around, sipping away. This is these bees' job, at their age -- water retrieval.
They're so cute. They have little slender tongues that they put into the water.

My friend has beautiful flowers in her garden.

And some fun garden dwellers too!


Pom Pom said...

Oh, hooray for the bees! Bless them!
I love all your water shots, MK! It makes my heart soar, knowing that your new home is so life giving!
Happy weekend!

M.K. said...

Thanks, Pom! :) It is such a soothing, beautiful location; I never tire of it. And I'm so happy that the bees are doing great here. We weren't sure they would, with the pine trees, corn, and brackish water. But they've adapted wonderfully!