Saturday, April 16, 2011

Anna Finds Her College

I took Anna down to Toccoa Falls College for her overnight visit, and so she could attend a couple of classes and talk with a professor in her major. The visit could not have gone better for her -- she loves the school. And thanks to the hard work of some friends in the Admissions Office (thank you, Joseph and Emily!!), it looks like all the arrangements will work out for her!  I am so, so excited, relieved, and thankful.
There really is a waterfall at Toccoa Falls, and here it is!  Not many college campuses have this kind of natural feature right on the campus. I went to a college with a very beautiful campus, and gorgeous natural views, and I wanted this for my children, if possible. Toccoa Falls is a lovely campus, full of lovely people.
Here's a view of the stream, leading up to the falls.
Toccoa Falls is part of the denomination called Christian Missionary Alliance -- a group of missions-minded Christians from various denominations who got together, to form a denomination that would focus on mission work and spreading God's gospel of salvation in Jesus. This is the school they formed, to help train young people for mission work.  The college continues to be very strong in missions. Its music department is also very large, very strong, and excellent. Their majors in Bible, cross-cultural studies, and Christian education are also strong, and of course they also offer the other majors you would find at a 4-year, liberal arts college.

Toccoa Falls is in the foothills, so there are rolling hills and streams all around.
A photo into the heart of the campus, from the student center.  The building you can barely see on the left, will be Anna's dorm.
Another shot of Anna's future dorm, the red brick building.
This is the home of the cross-cultural studies department, where Anna will have some of her classes.
While Anna was bonding with other silly young college students, I drove up into the mountains and stayed overnight with my parents. And this time, I successfully got a picture of them standing at the front door, as I said good-bye.  They always stand here and wave and smile, whenever we leave them. They're sweet as can be!
Well, I believe I have successfully found the right college, for two of my children.  Two more to go. This is hard work!

1 comment:

Pom Pom said...

Your mother is a BEAUTIFUL grandma!