Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Something New on the Table:

It all started with a London broil that my mother gave me, that we needed to cook. I said to Adam, "You wanna cook tonight?" I bought a bag of spinach yesterday, trying to boost our protein intake without using so much meat. So Adam decided on a spinach salad: spinach, strawberries, feta, eggs, crumbled bacon & vinegarette. The dressing left a lovely taste in the mouth.
The meat: Adam rubs the London broil with Lawry's seasoning salt and cumin. (Note: you need salt to bring out the taste of the cumin. Trust me on this one.) He bakes it in a 250º oven, until its interior temp is 145º. Then he lets the meat rest, so that the juices seep back into the meat tissues, and the color is right. The juices won't run all over the place as much, if you let the meat sit.
Boy, does it turn out beautiful! He slices it very thin, and we always devour this dish. Makes great sandwiches and fajitas later too -- if you have any left!
We had potatoes last night, so Adam wanted a rice dish -- but not just any plain, old rice dish. He went to ricerecipes.com, and found this recipe, Lemon Fried Rice. Only he didn't follow the recipe, of course!
He didn't fry it. It was very delicious.  Here's what he did:
Cook 1 cup rice with 2 cups water, onion, celery, 1/4 cup butter, chopped garlic, and a little brown mustard. After it's cooked, add a little lemon juice. Careful on that one. Sprinkle with parsley. The flavors are rich and exciting, and it's a hefty enough dish (almost a risotto) to match the beef.
All in all, a great meal!


Claire said...

That salad looks WONDERFUL! As does the meat. You're lucky to have such a talented hubby in the kitchen! :P


Anonymous said...

I love salads and that one was so beautiful. What a guy to be able to cook like this. Dan does other hugely big jobs so he leaves the cooking to me. I don't mind. I'd rather do that than have to work outside!!
You make me hungry with those pics. I'm off to cook again!!